Thursday, March 6, 2008

Why did Jesus Spit and heal the Blind man?

According to the scripture, John 9: 1-38, this man was born blind, to never see a sunset, the face of a child, the face of a loved one would be a terrible thing. Yet this man had lived his entire life in this state of darkness. In the scriptures, we noticed that this man was born not only blind but also in poverty. And he was unable to find employment and as a result he was reduced to begging for what food and money he received. This is a pitiful state. Many would say that he would have been better off if he had never been born. This is the same situation every lost sinner finds himself/ herself in today. Spiritually speaking apart from Jesus, you are hopelessly bankrupt and have no way of providing things you need on a spiritual level. However Jesus told the disciples that this man’s handicap was allowed by God so that God could get glory from this man’s life.

Lets see how he was exposed to the light of Jesus, word. When Jesus passed by, this mans life was forever changed. Jesus spat on the ground, made mud with his saliva, anointed the blind mans eyes with the mud. Why did Jesus spit and heal this blind man in this way? Spit and dirt (clay) mixed and put on the eyes, does not sound very nice. Am I correct? You would not think someone was intending anything good for you in this way. When the soldiers mocked at Jesus, they spit on him to humiliate Jesus. Then why did Jesus spit on the ground to make clay and anoint this blind man’s eyes with that?

I assume that, in the days of Jesus, the Jewish people believed spittle from the first born of every family had a great healing power. As per Jewish tradition, Jesus used His spittle to testify to everybody that He was the first born of God the father and the only begotten Son of God. Since the blind man was born blind, probably he had no eyeballs at all, just empty sockets. So Jesus spat on the ground and made clay with His own saliva and then formed and created 2 eye balls out of the clay, the same way God formed and created Adam(Gen 2:7). As per Jesus instruction, this man went to Siloam and washed his eyes, he was healed of his blindness. Archeologists say that this Siloam is very big with wide steps on 3 sides, where you need more courage and braveness to go into it. I feel that this blind man might have got faith, belief, extra courageous and braveness when Jesus touched his eyes in the first place.

When people asked him what had happened, he never mentioned the spittle. Why not?
The reason is, the blind man had not seen it take place. He was blind. There is a lesson here for every one of us. There are times when God is working in our lives to try and bring us to Him. Often we cannot see the Lords work and even after we are saved, we may never realize all the little things God did to us.

After Jesus exposed the man to the physical light, many Pharisees heard of this miracle and questioned him. This blind man was not theologian but he knew what had happened to him personally. He could not explain what had happened but he knew that he had met someone who had power to make an eternal life.Let’s see this mans testimony very briefly.

  1. A man who is called Jesus did this: this is his very limited knowledge about Jesus but it is a first step to the road of salvation.
  2. He is a Prophet: in other words he is man to be listened to. The blind man listened once to Jesus and that obedience has resulted in his healing.
  3. Man of God: he came with the conclusion that He is a man of God that means he is a man to be followed.

    May the shining light of God, seeking light of Christ and saving light of Spirit fill every one of us to realize little things He did in our lives. Amen.