Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Supper

Dear Friends,
Greetings to all in the sweet name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In John 12: 1-3 we see a wonderful loving family at Bethany. John the gospel says that, Jesus loved this family, Martha and her sister Mary and Lazarus. When Lazarus was sick, his sisters sent a message to Jesus, saying Lord, behold he whom thou lovest is sick. The lord Jesus in His great love raised Lazarus from the dead; therefore they made him a supper.

For our meditation, lets focus on verses 2 & 3, so they made Him a supper there. This is a kind of thanks giving service to our Lord Jesus Christ. Has the Lord done same thing for you? Has He answered your long time prayer requests? Has he saved someone in your family? Has He raised someone in your family from physical illness& sickbed? If so, do you wish to make Him a supper? Preparing supper for someone is not easy thing. It needs time and focus, need to think a lot about guest’s liking and disliking and need lot of guts to entertain a guest. Have you decided to invite our Lord Jesus for a thanksgiving service? Be assured that He will not turn down your invitation. He loves to dwell in the midst of His people.

Secondly, lets see what each member of that family was doing?
Martha served. This shows her humble service to our Lord, I used to marvel at this woman many times when I read this. Martha was the one who opened her house door for Lord Jesus, she was the one who prepared the supper for the entire crowd and even she was the one who has said to Lord, ‘Yes Lord; I believed that you the Christ, the son of God even He who comes into the world”. She had a great knowledge on our Savior. Do you?
Lazarus layed at table with Christ. What a great privilege for this Lazarus who was dead for a while and now alive with Christ . We see same experience in Psalm 23, David said, Thou preparest a table before me. Lets learn from Him what it is really like to sit with Him at table. Am I privileged to sit with Him at table???
Mary: Mary worshipped Him, she poured all at His feet, her heart and her soul, her wealth and her pride, her desires and her longings etc. Will you do so??

I personally feel that these 3 were orphans, may be in upper teens, not married, may be kept outside the society because of their service mind to Christ. Whatever it is, this family loved Lord Jesus and in turn, Jesus loved them. May be that is the reason, Jesus came to Bethany before Passover and it was from Bethany that He ascended to heaven.

May the risen Lord Jesus who ascended to heaven from Bethany make everyone’s heart and home to be His dwelling place? Amen.Love and Prayers