Saturday, September 22, 2007

Study of Joseph character

Dear Friends,
Among the great men of the Old Testament, Joseph is truly unique, he was the 11th son of Jacob and was born to his father’s favorite wife Rachel in Paddam Aram after she had been barren for 7 years. Information about Joseph is found in Genesis Chapters 37 to 50. The character of Joseph is worthy of careful study in our Christian life. Because his nobility of character, his purity of heart and life and his magnanimity as a ruler and brother. Lets review the life study of Joseph briefly.

As a son in Canaan:-
Joseph was hated by his brothers and they sold him for 20 pieces of silver as a slave to a man Potiphar, who was a high ranking government official, Captain of the guard in Egypt. Joseph was also faithful to his father and willing to obey his wishes.
Joseph as a slave in Egypt:-
Joseph was a overseer in Potiphar’s house, he was blessed by God and found favor in Potiphar’s eyes. Though a young man, he proved industrious and trustworthy. He made the best of the situation and God blessed him and Potiphar. Jospeh was well built and handsome, so he was tempted by Potiphar’s wife and she tried time and again to seduce him. He resisted out of faithfulness to Potiphar and God. Most young men would have been unable to resist, but Joseph knew the difference between right and wrong. He knew God’s law fobade adultery. His reply to Potiphars wife reveals an insight into his values and character and now Jospeh is in his imprisonment.
Overseer in Pharoah’s Prison:-
Joseph was blessed again by God and he is favored by the keeper of the prison. He was placed in-charge of other prisoners with complete trust. He also interpretated the dreams of the baker and the butler and the dreams have been fulfilled yet Joseph was FORGOTTEN. This again taught me that how Joseph was too faithful to God in his calling. Because after giving good interpretation to butler, he could have changed baker’s dream in a nicer way to please others, but he didn’t. Since butler forgot Joseph, he was forced to stay in the prison in another 2 full years. How many times, we have been forgotten by men? But lets assure that our loving god is always mindful on our ways.
As a Prince in Egypt.
Now the day has come for Joseph, this is the days for God’s purpose to be revealed in Joseph’s life. Pharoah sent for 30 year old Joseph in a prison. Josephs prediction and advice to Pharoah’s dream pleased Pharoah and he made Joseph his second in command. And Jospeh wisdom manifested in his administration. If we observe the court scene between Pharoah and Joseph, we could able to find Joseph humbleness and worship to his God.
Merciful in his treatment to his brothers.
This is a wonderful character from the life of Jospeh. He was sold by his brethren, would have created bitterness and anger within. Being away from family and placed in new place, with new people and new language should have made Joseph to be drawn into bad characters, but Joseph WALKED with GOD in Egypt. He learned to wait patiently on God and to look to God for EVERYTHING. It takes tremendous courage to look away from circumstances and to look instead to God.

In the life and story of Joseph, I learnt the following.
He was centered in faith and trust in God
Devoted to serving God and man with honor and DEPENDABILITY.
Unwilling to be deterred by the hatred, betrayal and UNFORGETFULLNESS of others.
Willing to forgive the wrongs committed by others.
Able to see the big picture, GOD’s WONDERFUL working.
These noble characters helped Joseph in his youth (tempted and tried with no help from family and friend), in his mature individual (charged with important responsibilities) and in his old age (knowing that death is imminent).

If hard times, bitterness, resentment or anger are things that you and me are struggling with, lets read Joseph’s story and learn from his courage. God probably has a blessing waiting for you and me at our trials too. Amen. May the character of Joseph inspire us to develop our character as well?

Love and Prayers,

DP Vathani

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