Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do you want to get well? Lord Jesus asked this question to an invalid man or in other words useless for 30 years at the pool, near the sheep gate which was rebuilt by Nehemiah at Jerusalem. Before going into detail, let stop at the pool and get some imagination about this event. This is a place where a number of disabled people gathered, where, one was there for 30 years. Even though the crowd was large, Lord Jesus could able to locate or find one invalid person in that crowd. How is it possible and why? One of my friends said, the world is humongous and our God is busy with so many important things, so why do you bother Him for everything, just bring big issues and big problem to God. Scripture says that God is mindful on even invalid or useless person in a large crowd. Have you ever thought, I am so little for God being mindful on me? The most important person in the universe remembers His children. Where ever you are, what ever you are in need of, our savior is mindful on you and me.

Verse 6 says, Jesus saw this invalid man lying there for a long time and asked him, “Do you want to get well? It is obvious to know that person wanted to get well. Then why did Jesus ask him like this? I personally feel that, this is a wonderful compassion questionnaire time in that person life. That was also interesting moment for that man to draw the crowd attention to him. Though he was invalid for 30 years, the moment when Jesus came near to him and asked such a caring question made him valid person in his entire life. The moment of Jesus love and care is not far away, it is so near to us. Let’s focus on Jesus for this wonderful one to one questionnaire moment in our life..

“Do you want to get well?” This is a very simple question, expecting ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, but to my surprise, we see different answer. “Sir, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in some one else goes down ahead of one” what does this reply to us? The invalid took the pleasure to explain his situation to Jesus. What a mind blowing truth, some one else goes down ahead of him. This pictures that, when invalid goes with his little strength, there was some one with more strength, this world is mixture of both, have you ever felt, you are of little hope, you are of little strength, you are in midst of no help,you are in midst of lacking? Scriptures says, “Yahweh your God is in the midst of you, a great and awesome God”

Our Savior said to him, “Get up, pick up your mat and walk”. The meeting started with a question and ended with commanding answer. There are 3 commands in Lords answer.
Get up: Enough of your failures get up from your invalid situation.

Pick up your mat: Gather your strength, gather your hope and finally gather your faith in Christian life.
Walk: Do it in action. Walk in His light

Where did the invalid get power to do this? The invalid simply obeyed to Lord Jesus. Verse 13 says, “The man who was healed had no idea who it was”. Without even knowing who Jesus was, the invalid man obeyed to Lords command. The invalid might have felt the power and authority in Lord’s command. He might have sensed Gods mighty power when he started his conversation with Lord in the beginning. How is our time with our Lord? Do you take time to talk to Lord Jesus and explain your situation? Are you in hurry to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ with your God? This invalid, unnamed man took time and efforts to spend time with our Lord Jesus, which in turn helped him to sense Gods power and authority and healing in his life.

May God of all wonders help us to get well physically and spiritually and let our Savior find time and place in our life? Amen.

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