Thursday, July 16, 2009

Look to the Lord our God, Until He shal be gracious to us.

I kings 20:28, “Thus says Yahweh, because the Syrians have said, Yahweh is a God of the hills, but He is not a God of the valleysill I deliver all this great multitude into your hand and you shall know that I am Yahweh".

In other words, Our God is a God of the hills and God of the valleys too. Or our god is not only a God of the hills but for the valleys too. What is the meaning of this Syrians comment here? What is the peculiar thing in the hills? According to me, Hills are the best place, where you could see Gods promise in action. Hills are the places where you would have long sight; I mean you could see from far distance too. For example, Abraham and Lot went to one of the hills and by standing on the hills, Lot had seen wonderful well watered plains for his possession. And God took Moses to the hills to show the wonderful Promised Land to him. Elisha lived on the hills and dwelled in God’s presence.

Servants of the king of Syria said to him, “Their God is a God of the hills, therefore they were stronger than we but let us fight against them in the plains and surely we shall be stronger than they". Is this assumption right? Are they not judging our mighty God’s power? Our God is a God for all seasons. Our God is God for all problems, big or small, our God is a living God whose mighty hands are stretched out towards us in all the places, hills or valleys, top or bottom, ups or downs, beginning or ending etc. He is an awesome God, and He is in our midst.

Ok, why did Syrians think, our God will not be powerful in the valleys? Valleys are the leveled place and your sight is limited compared to hills. Syrians put their trust and dependence on their valleys. Syrians were under estimating God’s mighty power or in other words, Syrians were limiting God’s action. Now,lets analyze our spiritual life. How many times, we failed to see Gods mighty power in our life?. How many times we tried to zoom our strength and tried to weaken Gods power in our daily life? How many times, we jumped to misjudge or miscalculate Gods risen power in our spiritual life?

For past few weeks, I was seeking Gods presence and answer for my problem, but I could not hear His voice not even a small indication from my bible readings, sermons and other fellowships. Is my God busy and not interested to talk to me? Is my God powerful in the early stages of my Christian life? Is my God sufficient only for the hilly situation and not for the plain valleys? Scripture assures that, our God is a God for the hills and for the valleys too.

II Kings 4:27, we see Shunamite woman came to the man of God to the hill, she caught hold of his feet, though Gehazi, Elisha’s servant trying to move her away, she was determined to hold God’s servant feet. When Elisha was replacing his servant to relieve her problem, she was more determined to hold Elisha’s feet. Verse 30 says, “As Yahweh lives and as your soul lives, I will not leave you". This pictures the scene of Jacob at Jabbok river, pleading God’s angel to bless him. When we see, our God is a God for both hills and valleys, it is our responsibility to hold his feet for a deliverance. Till he blesses, till he gives answer to us, till He showers His blessings, let us continually look unto Him.

Psalmist says in 123 Psalm, “Behold as the eyes of servants look to the hands of master, as the eyes of a maid to the hands of mistress, so our EYES LOOK TO THE LORD OUR GOD, UNTIL HE SHALL BE GRACIOUS TO US.

May risen Lord Jesus help us to look to our Lord at all seasons both hills and valleys and help us to look to Him till he blesses us?.

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